Saturday, May 21, 2011

generation of computer

Second generation of the computer     
The computer which were made approximately between 1956 &1963 & having transistor & diodes as memory device are classified as the computers of the second generation.  Transistor is derived from the two words'transfer'&"register"& it is the device which is made of three terminal semi-conductor material that amplifies the electric signal or opens or closes the electronic circuit. transistor were invented by three scientists. they are John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Bratain in 1947 & won the novel prize in1956 for it.The key
features of this generation of computer are as follow:-
  1. transistor replaced the vacuum tube designing the switching circuit.
  2. power consumption & heat generation was less than the first generation computer.
  3. magnetic core memory was used as internal storage.
  4. magnetic tape was used as secondary storage.
  5. high level language such as COBOL, FORTRAN, and ALGOL etc were used for computer programming.
  6. they were less expansive & smaller in size because 1000 vacuum tube replaced by as single transistor.

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